Online Buchen


All this and much more …

Apartments Maurachhof - Farm Holidays in St. Johann im Pongau

It is the feeling of arriving in a place that is still foreign, made homely directly by the people.

It is the polite, customary handshake at the first meeting and introduction at court.

It is the hearty smile and sparkling eyes of the hostess Karin, at breakfast.

It is knowing the name of every child on the farm.

It is the gathering with friends, family and the house guests at the campfire or barbecue until sunset.

It is the joking around at the lunch table with the whole family, where you just can’t stop laughing.

It is addressing with mom and dad from the daughter-in-law.

It is the cohesion in stressful situations, such as building the barn or every hay harvest, where everyone helps out where they can. Nevertheless, everyone is in a joking mood and always sees the good.

It is the family outing every Sunday afternoon.

It is the loving treatment of each individual animal, whose needs are looked at and addressed anew every day.

It is the family environment and reception of my peers, this year’s intern, into the family, so I didn’t even feel homesick. Where just one look is enough to get a fit of laughter, as if you’ve known each other forever. Where one runs around the yard together, as if with her little sibling, exploring the world. Where, like with a best friend, you do something every Sunday afternoon. Where you talk, like with a sister about your life goals. Where Karin and Toni treated me like their own child.

It is the joyful coexistence that fascinates and inspires each and every one of our guests.

The Maurachhof is all that, and so much more.

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